
Draz Online Shop


Draz Online Shop
Draz Online Shop 

A detailed discussion about launching a brand draz online store.

In this post, we will discuss, how to launch a brand on Daraz!

How to open Draz Online Shop

    Let's take an example.

     Daraz mall  store total investment:612k Profit per month:432k Profit margin:19%

     Store age:13.2Month Total launched products:9 Category: Kitchen and dining



    Before starting a business you will need some documents which are very important for you to start your business or to form a company like,


    Sole proprietorship

    Trade Mark

    Business Bank account

    NTN(national taxation number)

    To start your business it is important that you have to register your business in FBR for which you have to generate NTN. It's free it's free of cost

    Sole proprietorship:

    A sole proprietorship is important Like NTN, this is very important when you want to flip your business.

    Trade Mark;

    Like these two documents, this trademark is also very important It is used for the purpose of registering your brand for a trademark acknowledgment letter, not a trademark number

    Business account:

    A business account is used for the purpose of transferring all your payouts to your bank account The best option is to open a business account in the name of your business cost Free

    2ND STEP:


    If you want a tag on the store quickly, it's important that you make your Store look like a brand Store decoration I guide you through parts like




    Branding listing

    Draz Online Shop
    Draz Online Shop 

    It is very important to get the Daraz mall tag that you have to do some listing means Branding Listing

    Branding Store Decoration

    With brand listings, it is also very important that you decorate your store like a brand So that the tag on top of your store can come quickly

    Draz Online Shop
    Draz Online Shop 

    Branding packing

    It is also very important to get the tag that you have to create branding packaging for your products that will only be on your brand new.

    3RD STEP;


    1st month

    Our investment was:132k

    Launched products:3

    Our profit margin was:20%-20

    Our profit was:0/Ranking

    Inventory cost

    We had three product launches this month our product purchase rate is avg 200 per unit and and and buy 75 units for 15k use on 1 product inventory so a total of 45k

    Marketing cost

    Our budget was marketing just 10k for 1 product Facebook ads because Facebook ads are more important for ranking your products on Daraz with organic traffic it's very useful for your business total use budget of 30k

    2nd month

    Our investment was:75k

    Launched products:3

    Our profit margin was:20%-20

    Our profit was:30k

    Inventory cost

    The same strategy as the first month means We had three more product launches this month our product purchase rate is avg 200 per unit and and and buy 75 units 15k use on 1 product inventory so a total of 45k

    Marketing cost

    The same strategy of the first month means Our budget was marketing just 10k for 1 product Facebook ads because Facebook ads are more important for ranking your products on Daraz with organic traffic it's very useful for your business total use budget of 30k

    3rd month

    Our investment was:75k

    Launched products:3

    Our profit margin was:20%-20%

    Our profit was:55k

    Inventory cost

    The same strategy as the first month means We had three more product launches this month our product purchase rate is avg 200 per unit and and and buy 75 units for 15k use on 1 product inventory so a total of 45k

    Marketing cost

    The same strategy of the first month means Our budget was marketing just 10k for 1 product Facebook ads because Facebook ads are more important for ranking your products on Daraz with organic traffic it's very useful for your business total use budget of 30k

    4th month

    Our investment was:0k

    Launched products:3

    Our profit margin was:20%-20

    Our profit was:105k

    Inventory cost

    The same strategy as the first month means We had three more product launches this month our product purchase rate is avg 200 per unit and and and buy 75 units 15k use on 1 product inventory so a total of 45k

    Marketing cost

    The same strategy of the first month means Our budget was marketing just 10k for 1 product Facebook ads because Facebook ads are more important for ranking your products on Daraz with organic traffic it's very useful for your business total use budget of 30k


    1st Month

    Profit was:0/Ranking

    Sale was:450 units/Month

    Reinvestment formula: not apply

    2nd Month

    Profit was:23k

    Sale was:900units/Month

    Reinvestment formula: not apply

    3rd Month

    Profit was:45k

    Sale was:13,50units/Month

    Reinvestment formula: It was applied

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