
Covid-19 Vaccination Alert Side Effect

 Covid-19 Vaccination Alert Side Effect


21 May, 2021

Air HQ/50334/1/DMS-5(b)

AHQ Islamabad (OC Unit) All PAF Bases (Base Cdr) All PAF Hospitals (OsC) All PAF Bases (SMOs) PAAK Korangi (SMO) All PAF Dental Units (OsC)

AHQ Peshawar (OC Unit) ARF, APF, AMF & MRF (MDs) PAC Hospital Kamra (OC) PAFAA Risalpur (SMO) All PAC Med Sans (SMOs) All FSIRS


ed that AstraZeneca Vaccine being administered through registration with 1166; for protection against Covid-19 disease, has been

against Covid-19 disease, has been observed to develop certain expected side effects like fever, body aches and chills etc, lasting for a day or two which respond to usual antipyretics like paracetamol. To over ensure curtailing of any such side

att has directed to stop getting vaccinated with AstraZeneca forthwith till further instructions; while those who have already taken 15 dose are advised to take

"Tab Loprin 75 mg" one tablet on alternate day with breakfast for 4 weeks

2. In case, if any individual suffers heart burn, bleeding nose and or mouth, are required to stop immediately and to seek medical advice. 3. It is further highlighted that the individuals who are candidates for 2nd dose of vaccine will get 2nd dose with a gap of 12 weeks duration as a compulsion.


Forwarded for information and necessary action, please.

(SIBTAIN RAFIQUE) Air Commodore Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (MS) Tele Ext: 7401

for information, please.

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SSO to DCAS (Admin) SSO to DCAS (Supp) Northern Air Command, PAF Central Air Command, PAF Southern Air Command, PAF Western Air Command, PAF


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