
Lust and Shortcuts For Success

Lust and Shortcuts For Success

This article consists of three parts.

First part.

Overnight success.

Second part.

Young successful businessman

The third part.

Our Responsibility

First part

Hard work and effort are the guarantees of continuous success.

Everyone wants to achieve success in moments.

And since motivational speakers

have started to play less of a positive and more of a negative role. Everyone wants to earn, collect and sleep on the bed of dollars.

May Allah protect everyone and especially everyone's children from motivational speakers and another so-called advice mafia.

Read More:

Motivational Personality With No Hands/ Successful Life

Second part.

A young successful entrepreneur under thirty years of age.

Millions business of import and export and have a successful and prosperous life.

He said that the business started a few years ago and is now at its best with a few employees.

I said how is it possible that you have progressed so much in such a short time. What is its secret?

He told me that my father was in China. I also stayed there with him for two or three years, then started working with his and elder brother's guidance and support.

Now motivational speakers and others don't tell other directions and reasons for success that contributed to the success.

After listening to his words, the children leave their education incomplete and think every moment about how they got the money.

The third part.

Our Responsibility

We should make the children and even ourselves earlier understand that money and education are two different things.

Only knowledge brings a person to the level of humanity.

Rupee is secondary to money and others.

And striving for a successful life, business and other matters requires constant and tireless effort and a long period of time.

May Allah Ta'ala help everyone to adopt a positive lifestyle and play a positive role in humanity.


Imran Ali Sati

Advocate High Court


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